In-game customisations, such as Paint Jobs Bobbleheads Ship Kits and all other items purchasable with ARX.NPC Crew names, appearance, and progress.You will remain pledged to the same power, at the same level with the same access to Powerplay rewards The Codex, with all discoveries and information gathered.All modules in storage including all engineered, Community Goal, and Powerplay modules.Ships (and all engineered modules on them), Holo-Me, weapons, SRVs and SLFs.If it is already taken, you will be given the chance to choose a new name as part of the process. Your Commander name IF that name is not already in use on another PC account.Which elements of my console profile will be copied to PC? Please find below an FAQ based on your queries to the previous announcement: The implementation has a lot of moving parts and we appreciate your patience and understanding. We're happy to confirm that this process is scheduled for release in September. Only one profile may be copied per copy of Elite Dangerous.The original console profile will remain playable.If you missed that announcement, you can find more details here. Many of you will be aware that we announced an upcoming process which will allow players to copy progress from their console Commander profiles to PC.